Creating Smiles Between Bites

At Kraft Heinz, we don't just care about how our food tastes – we care about how it makes you feel. We believe in making every day a little more delicious.
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The Brands You Know and Love

  1. The Good Taste Company

  2. Eta Salads

  3. F. Whitlock & Sons

  4. Gregg's

New and Tasty

  1. Stain Reversing Pen

    Know someone who wears ketchup as an accessory?

    (opens in a new window)
  2. Heinz Hot Cross Beanz

    These hot cross buns are unBEANlievably fluffy.

    (opens in a new window)
  3. Creamy Salad Dressing

    Turn the last of your Heinz® into a creamy dressing.

    (opens in a new window)
  4. Creamy Prawn Rolls

    Heinz Mayo offers a nice balance of richness and tang.

    (opens in a new window)

Follow Your Faves

Stay up on your favourite brands with tasty recipes and more.

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Get Inspired

Discover new and exciting ways to use your favourite Kraft Heinz flavours.

Your Favourite Recipes

  1. Heinz Recipes

    (opens in a new window)
  2. Bull's-Eye Recipes

  3. Gregg's Recipes

  4. Eta Salads Recipes

  5. Food in a Minute Recipes