Black Doris Plum Ambrosia with Toasted Almonds and Meringue


0-15 mins


55 MIN


8 Servings


400 ml

Whipping cream

800 ml

Vanilla yoghurt

1 can

Wattie's® Black Doris Plums 850g

1 cup

Meringue, crumbled (half for folding into the ambrosia, half for sprinkling on top)

1/4 cup

Toasted almonds

1-2 Tbsp 

Honey, to sweeten


Mint leaves, to garnish


Step 1

Drain the Wattie's Black Doris Plums, reserving the syrup. Roughly chop the plums.

Step 2

Whip the cream to soft peaks.

Step 3

Stir ¼ cup of plum syrup into the yoghurt for colour and flavour.

Step 4

Fold the whipped cream into the yoghurt, then gently fold in half of the meringue and chopped plums. Aim to leave some streaks of colours.

Step 5

Spoon into a large serving bowl or serving glasses, topping with the remaining meringue, almonds, reserved plums, and mint.

Step 6

Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.

Recipe by @nourishandtempt